New Mexico Teacher

Hi, I’m Frank and I am the new Executive Director of New Mexico Association of Classroom Teachers(NMACT). NMACT is the oldest Teacher Organization in the State and our primary purpose is to provide low cost Educator Professional Liability Insurance. Our costs have remained low because we have no paid staff and minimal overhead expenses. To find out more about us please visit our website

NMACT is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We are only concerned about education issues in the State of New Mexico. Our leadership also provides representation to our members in workplace conflicts and legal assistance when needed.

We also work very closely with State Legislators and the staff of the Legislative Education Study Committee to insure that educators concerns are heard. As you well know public education in New Mexico is going through a period of dynamic changes. Teachers are trying to deal with A-F, Common Core, the new State Assessment, new Teacher Evaluation System and End of Course Exams. That I fear is just the “tip of the iceberg”, who knows what the 2013-2014 school year will bring.

So please New Mexico Educators, let us know what your thoughts are and we will keep you informed about education issues in the State. Together we can survive these trying times and emerge stronger in the end. Oh, NMACT’s motto is “Teachers Helping Teachers” Thanks!.




  1. Marilyn

    Glad to see the website is up and running. I look forward to you keeping teachers informed on how the NM Legislature and PED will affect our lives. Busy teachers NEED a knowledgable advocate!

  2. Nancy

    NMACT has been a valuable part of educators in NM. I always liked that it is not a union and is based on the needs and ideals of the classroom teachers in New Mexico. Thank you Frank for your service.