2014 Legislative Session
This Legislative session could be very critical to New Mexico Public Education. The first two Saturdays has seen many education stakeholders give statements on the House Floor that question the wisdom of the Governor’s education reforms. Nothing that you do not know yourself or have heard many times. The significant difference seems to be that these criticisms are not just coming from Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Rio Rancho and Santa Fe but from Charter School, Hobbs, Melrose, Texico and Roy. How our PED will react is unknown. It is increasingly apparent that these reforms have no base of support.
NMACT Leadership Group will be in Santa Fe the week of the 3rd. We have meetings scheduled with members of both political parties, the Director of the LESC, and the PED. We have requested a meeting with the Governor but as of this date she has not responded. Our message will be to “tap the brakes” and examine all of the changes that have been implemented. If such a vast majority of the stakeholders are not convinced that these reforms are of benefit then something is amiss.
We always need your help. Please email us at newmexicoteacher1@gmail.com and tell us your thoughts. Together we make a difference but for now I am just One New Mexico Teacher.